Dubai, UAE

About Us

About us

BizVibeZ is a Management Consulting firm specialized in Market’s best & trendiest Solutions

With over a 12 years of rich Banking and Business Management Experience, we intend to assist our valued clients with the best of the services. We have an immense working exposure and portfolio of UAE and international clients which made us to stand out of the crowd with 100% work delivery of Company Formation and Banking Assistance.

New Company Formation


Bank Account Opening


Virtual Offices


We deals with many services to take extra care of your problem solutions.

Business services is a general term that describes work that supports a business but does not produce a tangible commodity. Information technology is important.

Tax Consultancy

This is one of many areas of professional services where our firm is well ahead of the competition.

Audit & assurance

People are only as good as the tools they possess. So, to consistently deliver high-quality auditing services.

Value Added Tax

We are providing and dealing with all sorts of legal and professional services and matters to operate.

Accounting Services

Our professionals provide a range of accounting and assurance services of the highest standards.

Tax Outsourcing

Unlike our competitors we have in house qualified lawyers and accountants who can help you.

Amazing Strategy

Operates an atmosphere that promote creative approach for clients needs.

SWAT analysis for entrepreneurs

We provide SWAT analysis to the entrepreneurs prior to decide for the right business license based on their business goals and future business penetration considering UAE business environment. Choosing a business Advisor is itself a first step towards the succession in market, so we share whole advisory pertaining to the industry, economy, analysis, aftermaths of such businesses and connect you further with local vendors & businessmen across the world.

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Affiliated Partners
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Client’s Feedback
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Business Created

We have international tie-ups with European Legal Firms

Swiss, Offshore Banks (Bangkok, Singapore, BVI, Switzerland etc.) where we cater clients for International Banking and Offshore Licensing as per their requirement.
Want to know more about us? Get in touch!

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)