Dubai, UAE

Banking Services

If you need banking services for your corporate or personal needs, BizvibeZ LLC can create a plan that best meets your needs and offer advantageous returns to fostering a relationship with reputable financial institutions.

Whether you need a package of banking services that best suits offshore enterprises or high net-worth individuals, we’ll work one-on-one to create a bespoke suite of banking products to make sure you meet your financial needs. Are you ready to maximise your wealth while remaining within legal frameworks? Discover our banking services.


Whether you need a package of banking services that best suits offshore enterprises or high net-worth individuals, we’ll work one-on-one to create a bespoke suite of banking products to make sure you meet your financial needs. Are you ready to maximise your wealth while remaining within legal frameworks? Discover our banking services. 

We offer banking services that best meet your needs
Corporate Banking HNWI Banking Personal Banking Auditors and Liquidators Reports Statutory Financial Statement
Choosing the right corporate banking service provider for your entity is a critical decision, and there is a broad range of local and international banks to choose from in the UAE or any country you wish to operate.

Each institution has individual requirements when it comes to minimum deposits, bank charges and scope of services, and the application process can be stringent.

Requirements for opening an account usually include identity documents, signatories list, company structure overview and proof of address.

A certificate of incorporation/trade licence is often also requested as well as details of company directors.

Most banks will also want to see a projection of company transactions, future profits and information clarifying the nature of the business.
High net worth individuals (HNWIs) and ultra-high net worth individuals (UHNWIs) are the main client base for high-end, personalised financial services, known as “private banking.”

HNWIs generally have financial assets – excluding their primary residence and businesses – totalling a value greater than $5 million.

With a record number of people now being classed as HNWI around the world, different classes of wealthy individuals are emerging. The new type of HNWIs – known as UHNWIs – typically has assets valued at $30m and above.
Are you interested in personal banking services in any of the jurisdictions where we operate? BizVibeZ LLC can guide you through the process to choose the account that best meets your financial goals.

A personal bank account in Dubai refers to an account used for non-business purposes.

Most Dubai banks will only allow non-residents to open savings accounts as opposed to current accounts. </br
Non-residents will not receive cheque books; however, non-residents will be given a debit card to withdraw money.

Non-residents may also be subject to minimum or maximum balances.
Joint-stock companies, limited liability companies and partnerships limited by shares registered in the UAE must prepare annual financial statements and file these with the Ministry of Economy and Commerce and other relevant authorities.

BizVibez LLC works with a team of highly qualified auditors who are able to assist with a wide variety of requirements. While there are no ethical standards issued explicitly for the UAE, local firms usually follow IFAC standards when preparing the required auditor reports.

We also provide liquidation services for all entities – limited liability, free zone and offshore – across the UAE, including the supervision of asset disposal, creditor negotiation/settlement, liaison with liquidation accountants and filing of relevant deregistration and other formal notifications.

Our auditing fee structure consists of a no-frills standard package, suitable for all business types and sizes, with zero hidden costs. This pricing structure ensures that we are the ideal partner for carrying out your liquidation audit report and other paperwork to ensure full legal compliance in the UAE or in any other jurisdiction where you wish to operate.
Joint-stock companies, limited liability companies and partnerships limited by shares registered in the UAE are required to prepare annual statutory financial statements. These financial statements must be audited within three months of the end of the fiscal year. Once audited they shall be filed with the Ministry of Economy and Commerce and other relevant authorities. All UAE entities prepare statutory financial statements following International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

All companies, including those located at free zones, and partnerships, are also required to prepare full financial statements including a balance sheet, profit and loss account and other explanatory notes as required by UAE law.

Outside of free zones, all other companies/partnerships limited by shares in the UAE have the option to prepare their financial statements per any generally accepted framework.

Subsidiary companies of corporations listed in other jurisdictions have the option to prepare their financial statements per the framework followed by their parent company.

BizVibeZ works with a team of highly qualified auditors who can assist with a wide variety of requirements. While there are no ethical standards issued explicitly for the UAE, local firms usually follow IFAC standards. The free zones in the UAE have a rigorous process for monitoring and streamlining auditing practices. They monitor the practice of auditing firms and review their work on an annual basis.

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